Digital marketing for Oil & Gas client - case study

Oil & Gas marketing agency, London, UK

oil & gas marketing case study
oil & gas marketing agency

I’ve previously written a higher level overview of this Oil & Gas industry client project. This is a little bit more of an in-depth look at the various stages & deliverables of that project.

  1. Initial deliverables included a strategy of how to showcase the success of digital customer markets by creating a DCM showcase platform. MVP of DCM showcase needed to include two case studies from DCM projects, for each showcase to be shareable internally, in the format that best suited to that channel.

  2. Brand Immersion took place first - part of the discovery & brand immersion process - I was interviewing the leadership team & something that came to the fore was how important it is to motivate the teams, to bring them on a journey with the company & to recognize them. I interviewed eight leaders from DCM & summarised the findings which impacted the strategy document and thinking behind the DCM Showcase MVP.

  3. Next step was the Strategy Document being finalised - the document ended up giving a great feel for the psychology, consumer trend research, & content themes behind the DCM Showcase MVP. Key emphasis here were artifacts / elements of each case study page.

  4. The third step involved compiling the core marketing team (which looked like this):

Client + Strategy Lead (myself) + Developer +UX Designer + Videographer + Copywriter + Graphic designer

5. Then we kicked off working on the MVP website design:

Information architecture & Homepage Wireframe & Case Study Wireframe

Website structure & look/feel of the homepage + case study pages of the DCM Showcase MVP.

Showcase MVP website in SharePoint

Elements of each project included video interviews + podcast interviews + BTS gallery of images + project overview + before & after elements.